Thank you!
We are grateful to the following individuals, trusts, and companies who have chosen to make a gift to the Oxford Bach Soloists. These generous benefactors support the work of our exceptional musicians, administrators, educational projects, and make music lessons, language coaching sessions, tours and recordings, and special projects possible. Thank you to each and everyone of you!
Principal Benefactor
Sebastiano Cossia Castiglioni and Jane Patterson
David Hodges
Leslie Macleod-Miller
Friends of OBS
and our other anonymous supporters
Leipzig Circle
Katrin Eidenbenz Chamberlain
Julian Hall
Mary Kinnear
Helen Morton
Stefan Paetke
Gerry Rainbird
David Read
Isabella de Sabata
Jocelyn Wogan-Brown
and our other anonymous supporters
Dresden Court
John Elder
George Burnett-Stuart
Robert & Louise Gullifer
and our other anonymous supporters
The music of J. S. Bach is the pinnacle of artistic achievement.
It reaches beyond its Western roots, crossing all borders, touching the hearts of the whole world. It represents the ultimate unity and universality of mankind. It is truth.
In seeking this truth, Oxford Bach Soloists is proud to align with world-class organisations that transform lives and make the world a better place.
To discuss Corporate Partnership opportunities, please contact Katie Ambrose (General Manager) at katie@oxfordbachsoloists.com
Our Corporate Partners:

Vegan Capital
Our Trust and Foundation Partners:
The Fenton Arts Trust
The Trust was founded in 1986 by Shu-Yao Fenton in memory of her husband Colin, a collector of antiques and pictures and a dedicated supporter of the arts. Following her death in 2000 the substantial part of her estate passed to the Trust.