The music of J. S. Bach has been performed and enjoyed for over 300 years by countless generations of musicians and audiences alike.
By choosing to leave a Legacy Gift to the Oxford Bach Soloists, you will play a crucial role in ensuring that the performers and listeners of the future will continue to be enthralled by the power of our music-making for years to come.
To discuss Legacy Giving with us, please contact Katie Ambrose (General Manager) at katie@oxfordbachsoloists.com
If you have already remembered us with a gift in your will, we would be pleased to hear from you to thank you personally. All communications with us will remain strictly confidential and does not involve you in any binding commitment with our organisation. For additional information about leaving gifts to a charity in your will, please visit HMRC website.
Practical advice for leaving a legacy in your will
Oxford Bach Soloists is a registered charity (number 1172192), which means that any gift left in your will is free from Inheritance Tax (and might also be eligible for GiftAid).
When thinking about leaving a legacy in your will, in general there are three types of gift that would apply in this situation:
- Pecuniary Gift – this is a fixed sum of money from your estate;
- Specific Gift – this is a gift of a specific asset, such as company shares;
- Residuary Gift – this applies when you leave a percentage of your estate after legacies to family and friends have been met.
We would recommend talking to your solicitor when thinking about leaving a legacy to Oxford Bach Soloists. They can best advise you on both the type of gift you would like to leave and the correct wording of your will. They will also be able to advise on any tax consequences when leaving a legacy to Oxford Bach Soloists and on the formal requirements in executing a will correctly.
The legacy left in your will might also fall into one of two types – legacies with no conditions attached, which are often preferable to smaller arts charities like Oxford Bach Soloists, and those legacies with specific instructions on how the gift should be used. If you do have a particular set of requirements, please contact us to talk through your ideas to ensure that they are practicable.
Many of you already have a will and the prospect of making a minor change might seem daunting, but it is possible to have a short codicil amended to your existing will rather than having to sign a new will. This minor change is particularly relevant for pecuniary gifts (see above definition). We recommend asking your solicitor for advice on adding a codicil.
Gifts add value no matter how large or small
£1,000 pays for three baroque trumpets at one concert.
£2,500 pays for the Continuo team for one concert (cello, organ, harpsichord, double bass).
£6,000 pays for four soloists for one concert (soprano, alto, tenor, bass)
£15,000 one concert in Oxford or London (choir, soloists, and orchestra).
£25,000 supports the work of the Artistic Director for a year.
£50,000 one album recording.
Legacy Gifts to the American Friends of the Oxford Bach Soloists
The American Friends of the Oxford Bach Soloists are able to accept legacy gifts through their qualified 501 (c)(3) US tax status. If you are an American citizen and wish to endow a legacy gift, the American Friends of the Oxford Bach Soloists would be honoured to receive your patronage.